Are you enjoying the World Cup as much as I am? If not, maybe you should check it out...there's always the chance of seeing this:

Speaking of insanely hot guys with more definition than a dictionary, I've decided to focus on a new WIP. Wait, those two things have nothing to do with each other. I need to scroll away from this picture before I get distracted by his 80 ab muscles.
Ah. Better. I've shelved Banished for the moment. Something was just off. I couldn't figure out what my MC's goal was. Where she was going. What she wanted. She is being very stubborn, insisting that she doesn't know. I'm confident she'll fess up sooner or later and progress will resume. I've sent her to her room without dessert.
New WIP: Hellbound. Currently at 10,000 words. I'm taking a new approach and praying it doesn't take me a year and half to finish it. I'm going to attempt to get a very rough first draft finished quickly and then focus on revising it. I just want to get it all down and then go back and fix it. With my first two completed books I was unfocused and undisciplined, and only worked on them when I felt like it. I always went back and edited as I wrote. I'm going to get this one written, revised and ready to query!
Hi DaniSue! I left you a little something at my blog.
Happy writing!
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